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Teens invent car seat device that could save lives

LAKEWOOD - Michael Dodrill and Leaf Holland are seniors in the Project Lead the Way program of the West Shore Career Technical District mv400, and they have created an invention that could save lives.

Their invention, the Alarmom Child Guardian System, addresses the second leading cause of vehicle-related child fatalities: child endangerment autolink al301.

"Every nine days, a child dies from being trapped in a car. When we discovered the magnitude of this occurrence, we wanted to see if we could help prevent this from happening again," said Holland.

The Alarmom CGS detects a prolonged absence of an adult in an automobile with a child still in a car seat maxidiag md802, using two weight sensors similar to the seat-belt sensor currently equipped in many cars.

The system then sets off the vehicle's car alarm at a predetermined length of time, alerting everyone within earshot to an issue with the vehicle.

Honda has expressed interest in the invention, and the students are applying for a patent. They hope to eventually tie the alarm into a cell phone notification system.
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